Vous êtes ici : Accueil -> Liste des Enregistrements de l'Année 2008
CD : Annee 2008
2008 | Kate Bentley | A lua, o amor e o mar |
2008 | Spyro gyra | A night before christmas |
2008 | Danilo Perez | Across the crystal sea |
2008 | Francis Hime | Album musical 2 |
2008 | Ze Mauricio | Alem da razao |
2008 | Carlos Zens | Arapua no cabelo |
2008 | Various artists | Aula de samba : a historia do brasil atraves do samba-enredo |
2008 | Gilberto Gil | Banda larga cordel |
2008 | Beady Belle | Belvedere |
2008 | Binario | Binario |
2008 | Richard Bona | Bona makes you sweat - live |
2008 | Daniel Humair | Bonus baby boom |
2008 | Various artists | Bossa nova |
2008 | Cascabulho | Brincando de coisa seria |
2008 | The ipanemas | Call of the gods |
2008 | Elizete Cardoso | Cançao do amor demais |
2008 | Tom Scott | Cannon re loaded |
2008 | Bobo Stenson | Cantando |
2008 | Stefano Bollani | Carioca |
2008 | Eddie | Carnaval no inferno |
2008 | Al Jarreau | Christmas |
2008 | Roberto Mendes | Cidade e rio |
2008 | Andre Mehmari | Clube da esquina |
2008 | Aglaia Costa | Concerto para rabeca |
2008 | Nicolas Krassik | Cordestinos |
2008 | Jean-sebastien Simonoviez | Crossing life and strings |
2008 | Diego Figueiredo | Dadaiô |
2008 | Pat Metheny | Day trip |
2008 | Various artists | Des nouvelles du quartier enchantant |
2008 | Bombes 2 bal | Des nouvelles du quartier enchantant |
2008 | Scott Feiner | Dois mundos |
2008 | George Duke | Dukey treats |
2008 | Roy Hargrove | Earfood |
2008 | Jacob Anderskov | Ears to the ground |
2008 | Airto Moreira | Ears to the ground |
2008 | Bireli Lagrene | Electric side |
2008 | Sergio Mendes | Encanto |
2008 | Ousman Danedjo | Enelmedio |
2008 | Coco de tebei | Eu tiro o couro do dançador |
2008 | Guillaume De chassy | Faraway so close |
2008 | Alessandra Leao | Folia de santo |
2008 | Chico Cesar | Francisco forro y frevo |
2008 | Various artists | Frevo do mundo |
2008 | Various artists | From paris with jazz - cool (part 2) |
2008 | Various artists | From paris with jazz - guitar |
2008 | Various artists | From paris with jazz - sax |
2008 | Various artists | From paris with jazz - trumpet |
2008 | Henry Threadgill | Full contact |
2008 | Omara Portuondo | Gracias |
2008 | Hank Roberts | Green |
2008 | Yusa | Haiku |
2008 | Jeff Lorber | Heard that |
2008 | David Sanborn | Here and gone |
2008 | Bill Frisell | History, mystery |
2008 | Jeremy Steig | Howlin' for judy |
2008 | Arturo O'farill | In these shoes |
2008 | Claudia Acuna | In these shoes |
2008 | Various artists | Je n'aime pas le classique, mais ça j'aime bien ! |
2008 | Lenine | Labiata |
2008 | Various artists | Latino del futuro |
2008 | Gal Costa | Live at the blue note |
2008 | Richard Galliano | Love day - los angeles sessions |
2008 | Cassandra Wilson | Loverly |
2008 | Andras Schiff | Ludwig von beethoven : the piano sonatas |
2008 | Iara Renno | Macunaima : opera tupi |
2008 | Adriana Calcanhotto | Maré |
2008 | Mazuca De agrestina | Mazuca de agrestina |
2008 | Lionel Belmondo | Mn & belmondo |
2008 | Stephane Belmondo | Mn & belmondo |
2008 | Milton Nascimento | Mn & belmondo |
2008 | Catherine Antoine | Nature |
2008 | Joe Sample | No regrets |
2008 | Randy Crawford | No regrets |
2008 | Milton Nascimento | Novas bossas |
2008 | Orquestra contemporanea de olinda | Ocdo |
2008 | Jerome Sabbagh | One two three |
2008 | Omara Portuondo | Op/mb |
2008 | Maria Bethania | Op/mb |
2008 | Tracy Chapman | Our bright future |
2008 | Julio Dain | Outro vento |
2008 | Cristina Braga | Paisagem : grandes cançoes brasileiras |
2008 | Sixun | Palabre |
2008 | Various artists | Palco mpb |
2008 | Victor Wooten | Palmystery |
2008 | Quentin Rollet | Paw music |
2008 | Geraldo Maia | Peso leve |
2008 | Cinval | Pigdigigarelepo miscigenacao |
2008 | Florin Niculescu | Plays stéphane grappelli |
2008 | Pedro Luis | Ponto enredo |
2008 | Charles Lloyd | Rabo de nube |
2008 | Stanley Clarke | S.m.v. - thunder |
2008 | Marcus Miller | S.m.v. - thunder |
2008 | Victor Wooten | S.m.v. - thunder |
2008 | Leo Gandelman | Sabe você |
2008 | Morley | Seen |
2008 | John Schroder | Sir lemuel's dance |
2008 | Seal | Soul |
2008 | Saravah soul | Ss |
2008 | Christophe Wallemme | Start : so many ways |
2008 | Manu Lafer | Ta shema |
2008 | Incognito | Tales from the beach |
2008 | Tania Christal | Tania christal |
2008 | Patricia Barber | The cole porter mix |
2008 | Various artists | The nuttree quartet : standards |
2008 | Lizz Wright | The orchard |
2008 | Uri Caine | The othello syndrome |
2008 | Jj Cale | The road to escondido |
2008 | Steve Khan | The suitcase |
2008 | Pat Metheny | Tokyo day trip live ep |
2008 | Wynton Marsalis | Two men with the blues |
2008 | Willie Nelson | Two men with the blues |
2008 | Anita O'day | Une anthologie 1947/1957 |
2008 | Ray Charles | Une anthologie 1949/1961 |
2008 | Pat Metheny | Upojenie |
2008 | Marilyn Crispell | Vignettes |
2008 | Vittorio Ghielmi | Vittorio ghielmi and il suonar parlante : henry purcell |
2008 | Dianne Reeves | When you know |
2008 | Melody Gardot | Worrisome heart |
2008 | Frode Haltli | Yeraz |
2008 | Trygve Seim | Yeraz |
Autres Enregistrements : Annee 2008
2008 | George Duke | My soul, the complete mps fusion recordings | COFFRET |
2008 | Bugge Wesseltoft | New conceptions of jazz box | COFFRET |
2008 | Various artists | Recife frevoé | COFFRET |
2008 | Pino Daniele | Ricomincio da 30 | COFFRET |
2008 | Simply red | Simply red picture book - collector's edition | COFFRET |
2008 | Simply red | Simply red stars - collector's edition | COFFRET |
2008 | Toots Thielemans | The amazing sound of toots thielemans | COFFRET |
2008 | Milton Nascimento | Live in spain, vitoria gasteiz | DVD MUSIC |
2008 | Marcelo Pretto | Marcelo pretto : toca brasil, itau cultural | DVD MUSIC |