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CD : Annee 2008

2008Kate BentleyA lua, o amor e o mar
2008 Spyro gyraA night before christmas
2008Danilo PerezAcross the crystal sea
2008Francis HimeAlbum musical 2
2008Ze MauricioAlem da razao
2008Carlos ZensArapua no cabelo
2008 Various artistsAula de samba : a historia do brasil atraves do samba-enredo
2008Gilberto GilBanda larga cordel
2008Beady BelleBelvedere
2008 BinarioBinario
2008Richard BonaBona makes you sweat - live
2008Daniel HumairBonus baby boom
2008 Various artistsBossa nova
2008 CascabulhoBrincando de coisa seria
2008 The ipanemasCall of the gods
2008Elizete CardosoCançao do amor demais
2008Tom ScottCannon re loaded
2008Bobo Stenson Cantando
2008Stefano BollaniCarioca
2008 EddieCarnaval no inferno
2008Al JarreauChristmas
2008Roberto MendesCidade e rio
2008Andre MehmariClube da esquina
2008Aglaia CostaConcerto para rabeca
2008Nicolas KrassikCordestinos
2008Jean-sebastien SimonoviezCrossing life and strings
2008Diego FigueiredoDadaiô
2008Pat MethenyDay trip
2008 Various artistsDes nouvelles du quartier enchantant
2008 Bombes 2 balDes nouvelles du quartier enchantant
2008Scott FeinerDois mundos
2008George DukeDukey treats
2008Roy HargroveEarfood
2008Jacob AnderskovEars to the ground
2008Airto MoreiraEars to the ground
2008Bireli LagreneElectric side
2008Sergio MendesEncanto
2008Ousman DanedjoEnelmedio
2008 Coco de tebeiEu tiro o couro do dançador
2008Guillaume De chassyFaraway so close
2008Alessandra LeaoFolia de santo
2008Chico CesarFrancisco forro y frevo
2008 Various artistsFrevo do mundo
2008 Various artistsFrom paris with jazz - cool (part 2)
2008 Various artistsFrom paris with jazz - guitar
2008 Various artistsFrom paris with jazz - sax
2008 Various artistsFrom paris with jazz - trumpet
2008Henry ThreadgillFull contact
2008Omara PortuondoGracias
2008Hank RobertsGreen
2008 YusaHaiku
2008Jeff LorberHeard that
2008David SanbornHere and gone
2008Bill FrisellHistory, mystery
2008Jeremy SteigHowlin' for judy
2008Arturo O'farillIn these shoes
2008Claudia AcunaIn these shoes
2008 Various artistsJe n'aime pas le classique, mais ça j'aime bien !
2008 LenineLabiata
2008 Various artistsLatino del futuro
2008Gal CostaLive at the blue note
2008Richard GallianoLove day - los angeles sessions
2008Cassandra WilsonLoverly
2008Andras SchiffLudwig von beethoven : the piano sonatas
2008Iara RennoMacunaima : opera tupi
2008Adriana CalcanhottoMaré
2008Mazuca De agrestinaMazuca de agrestina
2008Lionel BelmondoMn & belmondo
2008Stephane BelmondoMn & belmondo
2008Milton NascimentoMn & belmondo
2008Catherine AntoineNature
2008Joe SampleNo regrets
2008Randy CrawfordNo regrets
2008Milton NascimentoNovas bossas
2008 Orquestra contemporanea de olindaOcdo
2008Jerome SabbaghOne two three
2008Omara PortuondoOp/mb
2008Maria BethaniaOp/mb
2008Tracy ChapmanOur bright future
2008Julio DainOutro vento
2008Cristina BragaPaisagem : grandes cançoes brasileiras
2008 SixunPalabre
2008 Various artistsPalco mpb
2008Victor WootenPalmystery
2008Quentin RolletPaw music
2008Geraldo MaiaPeso leve
2008 CinvalPigdigigarelepo miscigenacao
2008Florin NiculescuPlays stéphane grappelli
2008Pedro LuisPonto enredo
2008Charles LloydRabo de nube
2008Stanley ClarkeS.m.v. - thunder
2008Marcus MillerS.m.v. - thunder
2008Victor WootenS.m.v. - thunder
2008Leo GandelmanSabe você
2008 MorleySeen
2008John SchroderSir lemuel's dance
2008 SealSoul
2008 Saravah soulSs
2008Christophe WallemmeStart : so many ways
2008Manu LaferTa shema
2008 IncognitoTales from the beach
2008Tania ChristalTania christal
2008Patricia BarberThe cole porter mix
2008 Various artistsThe nuttree quartet : standards
2008Lizz WrightThe orchard
2008Uri CaineThe othello syndrome
2008Jj CaleThe road to escondido
2008Steve KhanThe suitcase
2008Pat MethenyTokyo day trip live ep
2008Wynton MarsalisTwo men with the blues
2008Willie NelsonTwo men with the blues
2008Anita O'dayUne anthologie 1947/1957
2008Ray CharlesUne anthologie 1949/1961
2008Pat MethenyUpojenie
2008Marilyn CrispellVignettes
2008Vittorio GhielmiVittorio ghielmi and il suonar parlante : henry purcell
2008Dianne ReevesWhen you know
2008Melody GardotWorrisome heart
2008Frode HaltliYeraz
2008Trygve SeimYeraz

Autres Enregistrements : Annee 2008

2008George DukeMy soul, the complete mps fusion recordingsCOFFRET
2008Bugge WesseltoftNew conceptions of jazz boxCOFFRET
2008 Various artistsRecife frevoéCOFFRET
2008Pino DanieleRicomincio da 30COFFRET
2008 Simply redSimply red picture book - collector's editionCOFFRET
2008 Simply redSimply red stars - collector's editionCOFFRET
2008Toots ThielemansThe amazing sound of toots thielemansCOFFRET
2008Milton NascimentoLive in spain, vitoria gasteizDVD MUSIC
2008Marcelo PrettoMarcelo pretto : toca brasil, itau culturalDVD MUSIC